Cave Springs Wedding | Jamie + Ashley

Cave Springs Wedding

Jamie and Ashley’s Cave Springs wedding was stunning in every way. Β When they planned a winter wedding they sure weren’t expecting such seasonably warm weather, but it was an amazing day nonetheless. Β Their photographers sure appreciated the higher temperatures! Β πŸ˜‰ Ashley was really hoping for snow and we would have gladly braved the cold for these two incredibly warm and kind people. Β The ceremony was emotionally charged and watching their beautiful daughter Chloe be a part of it was simply precious. Β Well, until she started gagging as they put the necklace on her. Β So hilarious! Β The Cave Springs chapel was breathtaking with glowing natural light bouncing off every wall, beautiful wood beams, a fireplace, and those epic glass globe lights. Β Top it all of with amazing florals from Fleurish Design Studio and the best officiant this side of Texas, and you really can’t beat it. Β Jamie and Ashley, it was such an incredible day with the two of you. Β You make a fantastic team and we wish you a lifetime of love and joy and more babies!

You are loved!
Shane + Jenny

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