Good Earth Food and Wine Niagara Wedding

Good Earth Food and Wine Wedding

Daughney & Denise were married just as the first peach trees began to blossom and the magnolias were in full swing.  Pure Spring Magic!  Daughney, surrounded by his brothers, and Denise, her sisters, had an intimate ceremony at their Good Earth Food and Wine Niagara Wedding.  Their wedding had a sweet first look, some epic bouquet microphone action, a ceremony warmed with love despite the chilly air, and a lot of laughter!  These two thoroughly enjoyed themselves and made our job so easy.  Add to this a diversely stunning property including orchards, vineyards, willow trees, and cedar shingles, and what more could you ask for?  We’d like to give a shout out to Jen Feschuk from Fete Events for being such a superstar and making everything run like a finely oiled machine.

D-squared – you guys rocked it!  Daughney – your moves and humour made our day!  Denise – you were calm, collected, and a classic beauty.  We wish you many many years of crazy antics, big laughs, and lots of kids 😉  Now that you’ve hung out with us you’ll probably have twins. It was an honour shooting your Good Earth Food and Wine Niagara Wedding!

We were incredibly moved by the testimony of Daughney’s brother which we’ll share here.  It’s rare (but does happen) to receive a testimony outside of the bride and groom and this one in particular was incredibly warm and encouraging.  Here it is – “I’ve only been a part of two weddings, so I’m no expert by any means. I realized this time around that only half of the wedding photographer’s job is taking pictures. The other half is getting people ready. It’s one thing to ask people to smile – another thing altogether to make them smile. This is what Shane is best at. He brings a reassuring atmosphere to the whole affair. I’ve been trying to get my oldest brother to loosen up for 25 years and somehow, Shane managed to do it in 25 minutes. I’m still trying to figure out the secret.” The Grooms brother.

You are loved!
Shane & Jenny

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Venue: The Good Earth Food & Wine Company

Officiant: Cathy Davis

Planner: Jen Feschuk/Fete Events

Harpist: Carol Farrar – [email protected]

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