Beautiful Orchard Wedding | Logan + Carly

Beautiful Orchard Wedding

Carly loves herself some colour.  There is no doubt about that – check out the mind-blowing bouquet created for her by the uber-talented Kalin Falconer of Bloom & Co.  But as much as the florals shone, you just can’t beat the glow and happiness Carly and Logan emanated all day at their beautiful orchard wedding.  Nothing but love and smiles from these two!  After meeting up with the guys at White Oaks, we headed over to shoot a Kurtz Orchards wedding at neighbouring Gracewood Estates.  We arrived to find Carly’s event planner {Danielle Shaw} meticulously hanging delicate strings of feathers from the branches at the ceremony location.  That’s dedication and love right there!
The weather that day was a far cry from Carly and Logan’s knee-deep snow-covered winterized engagement session in the woods.  We were sure thankful we didn’t have to plow through that snow again!  These two are some of the best folks around – warm, genuine, laid back, kind, and always ready for a good laugh.  We loved all the personal touches including Logan’s s’more bar and the horseshoe guest favours.  And those living edge reception tables????  Killer.  (We’re now in the market for a few of those for our own personal use if anyone has a lead on them??)
Logan & Carly – we had an amazing day.   We’re pretty sure you had an even better time!  Thank you for the opportunity to celebrate your Kurtz Orchards wedding with you and yours, and we wish you many many many more years of joy!
You are loved!
Shane & Jenny

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Venue: Kurtz Orchards/Gracewood Estates
Florals: Bloom & Co.
Event Planning: Shaw Events
Band: Back Beat Trio
Dress: Truvelle Bridal

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