Niagara Wedding Photographer | Hummel

If there ever was a wedding we were especially looking forward to, it was this one.  You may remember Wesley and Elizabeth’s story from this blog post earlier in the year (it’s a must read if you don’t).  With a story this powerful and touching it was a no brainer to give up our 10th anniversary (day) and jump right in.  This wedding was special.  It seems so hard to do it justice with mere words.  It was a day filled with laughter, rejoicing and pure unadulterated joy.  It was wonderful to see Jesus Christ lifted high and given the pre-imminence for Welsley’s radical recovery despite the Dr’s grim prognosis.

It was amazing to see the raw love that Elizabeth’s dad has for her and how she adores him.  I sure hope for that with my girls.  Wesley giving the groomsmen knives was quite entertaining as was his speech where he stated, “the Dr’s said I was going to be a vegetable and I thought to myself, I wonder what kind of vegetable I would have been?”.  Elizabeth looked absolutely stunning and walked with a grace and poise that was far beyond her years.  Their families and friends are awesome, and have been such an amazing support for them.  The mariachi band was fantastic as was the sparkler send off.

All in all it was a beautiful celebration of love and we are thrilled we could be a part of it.

Wesley & Elizabeth – thank you!  We know you two are going to be great together and we hope our images do your day justice.

You are loved!
Shane & Jenny



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