Niagara Maternity Photos | Michael + Alexa

We loved every second we spent with these two! They were exuding joy at the imminent arrival of their first child. You could just see the sparkle in their eyes, and their love for each other was infectious. Take one look at the photos and we’re sure you’ll agree.

We typically don’t shoot maternity photos but we thought, why not? We’re super glad we took the leap and look forward to the next opportunity that rolls our way. Their Niagara maternity session was so easy and fun, and the weather was absolutely perfect. They are warm and kindhearted people and we’re certain their gonna make excellent parents.

We wish you two nothing but the best and may your child keep your joy-meter full!

You are loved!
Shane + Jenny

mother to be looking radiant in the woods as the sunlight comes through the trees maternity couple walking on the beach at lake ontario pregnant woman at the lake during sunset showing off her baby bump

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