Reed Photography – Funny Christmas Cards

Ok, so many people have requested these over the years… and without further ado – here they are!  We stopped making these crazy Christmas cards several years ago but who knows, you just may see them resurface again one day. With a little creativity, Photoshop magic, and sometimes a giant mess, the cards were generally a blast to make.

I wish we had taken behind-the-scenes shots for some of the earlier cards. It was truly laughable at times. Being wedding photographers we lacked proper studio lights, so Shane used whatever was around the house: from flashes to lamps and phones to flashlights – absolutely no lighting apparatus was off limits.

The first two years were just us and Gavin and by year three we had a couple of buns in the oven. (;  That’s right, twins! Our first card featured Gavin playing Guitar Hero on our coffee table as a toddler and the next year we did “Little People” because Gavin was obsessed with his barn playset.

fun christmas cards by niagara photographer

This next one was epic. Below is what people thought our life was like with twins and although exaggerated, it didn’t feel too far off some days. Perhaps it was never this messy but as you can see we had a plethora of gear and diapers kicking around. The following year yours truly (Shane) may have been watching a little too much Duck Dynasty. Ya gotta love that luscious flowing beard and yes the girls are playing with squirrels!

funny christmas cards reed photography

Lastly, below we have a food fight which the girls were not very happy with me about, and a simple pajama-styled shoot. Sometimes less is more. The last one is our personal favorite and adorns the wall of our dining room.  It’s an ode to the 80s. Jenny’s cobra-like hairdo and our thrift store attire still make us laugh.

creative christmas cards by niagara photographers

Anywho, we hope you enjoyed our funny Christmas cards. Let us know which is your favorite!

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You are loved!
Shane + Jenny

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